Welcome to SRC Official Website

Greetings from the SRC team.In this post you can get to know what to expect from this blog.Have fun!

Vacation's Over and A New Struggle Begins

Motivational bits and some infos about the new semester.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Vacation's Over and A New Struggle Begins

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and Salam 1Malaysia.

It feels like only yesterday that we set foot upon our home sweet home, lay our tired backs on that comfy bed, watched movies and played games endlessly, and surfing the net like a breeze without any thoughts of IB's hectic life lingering on our little mind. Now, slowly but surely, it has come to an end without us realising it.

Our hearts suddenly felt a mysterious kind of burden, something which we really never knew when the semester break was starting. The thoughts of demanding assignments such as lab reports, EE, iA, placement test, and interviews and ultimately the decisive IB exam occupied our minds. The silence scream of our souls, begging not to return to reality echoed through the abyss of our inner conscience.

However, life must go on. Life's a struggle, If you are not struggling,then you are not living. After all, that is what life is all about. It's about a strive for knowledge,deeds and contribution to our religion and country.

"For him who embarks on the path of seeking knowledge, Allah will ease for him the way to paradise" (Muslim)
Yes, we may not see the rewards with our naked eyes but as a devotee, we believe in His promises and prophecy. We believe that every drop of our tear and sweat and blood committed on this path is counted.We believe that every inch of our limbs that we move, every joules of energy that we used, every steps that we take from now on is written in our book of deeds.

How can you be sad and burdened , knowing that you are among the ones who are raised to higher status?

"Allah will exalt those who believe among you, and those who have been granted knowledge to high ranks"  (Al Quran 58:11)

Some infos about the new coming semester so that you can adjust with your schedule and tickets:

  • Students are required to be at KMB on 2nd January before 7 pm (to be safe)
  • Classes will start on the 4th
  • From 2nd to 4th , there will be motivational talks and EE briefing

Click to know More about this new SRC official website

Welcome to SRC Official Website

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and Salam 1Malaysia to everyone.

We are glad to announce and promote our newly created website that will be the medium for dissemination of information and also the tool for us to engage with you, the students and teachers of Kolej MARA Banting.

Here, in this little blog, we will try our best to make it as user-friendly as possible to enable you to get to know the SRC better and to provide services to ensure the convenience of all KMB students for their 2 years of study in this college. After all, we are your representatives, isn't it?

Among the things that you can expect from this website, as you can see at the upper part of the blog (the tabs) are:

  • Know what's happening around the college!
  • Information about your representatives from all the bureaus and their committees (Know Your Reps)
  • Breaking news and crucial updates from each bureaus (What's up)
  • Colleges' Event updates and highlights according to departments so that you will be more prepared ( What's up - College)
  • Motivational bits and tazkirah from the MPP Excos
  • List of important things for students to know ( Student's Kit)
  • Get a chance to give comments, complaints or feedbacks for improvements on life in KMB (Voice Out!)
However, this website is still undergoing development as it is only in the initial stage. So, a lot of the sections are currently being filled as we speak.Please be patient tune in for more updates.

Lastly, we, the members of the SRC, really hope that this blog will be a useful tool for students to keep up with the hectic life in KMB , instill the feeling of togetherness and family and ultimately help us to survive IB!

And verily this Brotherhood of yours is a single Brotherhood, and I am your
Lord and Cherisher: therefore fear Me (and no other)
(Al Quran 23:52)

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